This is
My Reflective Journal
Lesson Tasks that we get at Noroff.
GD2 – AW31 – Photography 4 – Digital Post Production
LT 2.1 Digital Workflow The task For this task, you are required to think about your own workflow. See where you can improve and spend this time implementing the changes. Any spare time can be used to work on the course assignment. Part 1 Answer the following questions: 1.
GD2 – AW30 – Photography 4 – Landscapes and Buildings
LT 1.1 Landscape Photography The task For this assignment, you must make and edit several landscape photographs at a location of your choice. If you cannot travel to a suitable landscape location, a local park will do just fine. Plan your outing carefully, as you’ll be outdoors, and the weather
GD2 – AW28 – Techniques & Advanced Motion Design
GD2 – AW27 – Motion Fundamentals
LT 4.1 Timing, spacing and easing LT 4.2 Arcs, smears and squash and stretch LT 4.3 Mass, weight and anticipation LT 4.4 Drag, overlapping action, and follow-through and exaggeration MA04
GD2 – AW26 – Pre-Motion: Storyboarding, Style Tests & Illustration
LT 3.1 Deep dive into storyboarding The task Here’s your task for today: Watch how we’ve storyboarded our version of the Scoops Ice Cream script in this timelapse. Pay careful attention and learn from this. Make notes of what you learnt, look at how we solved this and post this
GD2-AW25 – Design Principles for Motion
LT 2.1 Introduction to Illustrator and Photoshop The task Step 1 – Open up Illustrator and Photoshop. Step 2 – Configure your workspace to something you’re comfortable with, and give the ‘layers’ panel extra space. Step 3 – Create 10 artboards. Fill in each artboard with the numbers one to 10 in order. LT
GD2-AW24 – First Step Into Motion Design
LT 1.1 The History Of Motion Design The task You’ve just acquired a time machine! To which era of motion history would you travel to get involved in? Write a 250-word document outlining your favourite era and include the following: What year would you go back to? Who would you
GD2-AW23 – Preparing for the Workplace
1.1. Lesson task – Creating a Curriculum Vitae(CV) The task If you are not on LinkedIn currently, now is your chance to create an account. If you already have an account, update it today and specifically pay attention to your resume. Your resume is organic and should always be periodically