AW00 – Introduction – LT. The Journey Here

I have always been creative, but It’s been a big roller coaster the last years. There have been times there I don’t feel creative at all and sometimes that I wish that I had more than 24 hours in a day. I remember I used to sit at my grandmas and colored in color books and did big puzzles, when I look in those color books, I must say it’s looking a lot better than my siblings and cousins ‘colorings. My other grandma taught me to crochet when I was little, and a few years ago I decided to try this out again. I got surprised how easy it was to learn again, it felt like I never had been without it.

In primary school and middle school, I loved the art and craft classes, those was the best classes I had. That was mostly because I have never been that good in theory, I’m more a practical person.

When I was 16 I started on high school, nature management school. I didn’t had good enough grades to get in to hairdresser school so I started study something that I love, nature and animals. But to be completely honest I took a type of birth control pills that made me sick, I was nauseous all the time and didn’t feel well. So I missed a lot of classes and when we finally found out the reason why I was like that I already was so far behind, I wouldn’t be able to work my self back. So I decided to dropped out and started to work.

After a few years working I applied to a private school to become a hairdresser. But I didn’t get in on the first year, so meanwhile I become a makeup artist. The plan was to use that when I was a hairdresser. Then I finished the hairdresser school and started as an apprentice, but it didn’t take long until I found out that this wasn’t for me. I’m not that comfortable to stand so close with customers for hours and hours.

After I turned down my apprentice position I started to working with retailing, I’ve almost 8 years’ experience with retailing and for the last 4 years I’ve been working in a sport store. But I’ve always felt that there is something that is missing in my life, and I’m 100% sure that that is being able to be creative in my work. I want to have a job that I love, that I can use my head more than just sell clothes.

My BIG passion in life is photography, I’ve owned a professional camera for probably 5 years or more know. I love taking landscape photos, especially long exposure photos along the coastlines. But I also love taking photos of my dogs and I’m planning to by a huge tele lens so I can start doing some wildlife as well. I have two instagram accounts, one for my landscape and one for my dogs. norwegiansurroundings/norwegianwanderers

So the reason I applied on Graphic Design is just that, I want to be creative. I want to learn how to communicate through visibility. I want to learn more about photography, designs, colors, arts and forms. I want to have a job that I will love! A job that makes me wanting to get out of bed and go to work.

And here is my version of a self portrait of myself. It shows who I am. I’m usually always behind my camera, and I always have the dogs by my side.

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