AW02 – Sketching Techniques – LT. Loose juice

You are briefed to do an illustration for fruit juice packaging (orange and banana flavour). The name of the product is: Loose Juice.

  • Draw at least 15 scamps (they can be A6 size each) of what the label will look like. Remember to include the fruit, the name of the flavour and the name of the product.
  • Choose one of your sketches and draw the label, using Adobe Illustrator. The artwork can be A6 (landscape or portrait).

This week we learn about sketching techniques and how to draw without the pen tool in illustrator. I’m not completely finished with that tutorial so I have to watch the rest tonight.

I started with watching that tutorial and read some of the text in the books before I started on some sketches. The first sketch I made in my lunchbreak at work, before I finished up the rest later that night. I made the minimum of sketches because I struggled a lot to try to come up with new ideas, and I’m happy that I actually came up with 15 sketches.

Here are the sketches:

When I was finished with my sketches I went over them and decided on witch I liked the most, but I was struggling to choose between three of them. Then I just made those three quickly in Illustrator to see how they could look like.

Then I just made those three quickly in Illustrator to see how they could look like. The third sketch I changed that the dripping was on the underside and not the top.

I ended up using the last of those three. I noticed when I was sketching that I liked the dripping effect I had on that one a lot, and just the shape of the design. I started to work a little more on the design to get satisfied with the whole design.

And here is the result.

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