AW31 – Visual Language – LT. Illustration, Infographic and Brochure

Practical assignment (observation and analysis)

Use the logo you created in Week 1 and design a brochure for your product. You may use any format you like, just make sure that the format is in line with and adds to your logo design. Your brochure must contain an illustration. This could be the infographic alone, or it could be the infographic and the rest of the brochure (in other words, the entire brochure may be illustrated if you’d like).
When designing the brochure and creating your illustration, make definite use of the fundamentals of visual language as discussed in this lesson. 
You must illustrate an infographic and design a brochure:

1. Illustration of infographic

The brochure design and infographic illustration should work together. Consider the format and style of your brochure and illustrate an infographic using fictitious data (or you could do research to get a better idea of actual statistics). The infographic must display the nutritious benefit of your product to dogs. It should contain the nutritional value, as compared to the necessary nutrition intake of dogs. It must also give an indication of consumption per size of dog. You may also add information of your choice that you think is relevant.

I started to search for other brands so I could see what info other used on the infographic and what color scheme they used for it. The text I used is from an Canadian brand called Acana.

I wanted the infographic to contain ingredients, nutrient analysis and a feeding guide. I did make the nutrient analysis illustration pretty long but I since I copied the text from acana I didn’t know what to leave out. But after moving everything around on the a5 sheet I found a good way to show it. And I also wanted to show all of the vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

The ingredient list is clean and simple, I also chose 4 icons that shows a small amount of info that the ingredients is wrapped around.

And I wanted the feeding guide to be similar to the nutrient analysis so it would work good together. On this guide I have a column with weight of the dog, how much the serving size is pr day if the dog is active and one column that show how much if the dog is highly active.

I wanted the background on the infographic to work with the rest of the brochure so I chose photo with a poppy field, and I also found a photo of 4 dogs that would fit perfectly over the infographic.

The color I chose was a beige(ish) and brown color. I want the design on everything to be very natural and clean.

2. Design of brochure

Design a brochure that introduces your product and includes the infographic illustrated in Question 1. You can decide on the information and format of your brochure. As a guideline, consider a brochure of A4 (lying), folding to A5 (standing). You don’t have to have more than four pages in your brochure (but it depends on your design and style). You must base your brochure design on the design of your logo. Thus, look at your logo and design a brochure that complements and blends in with it.

For the brochure I have used the same color scheme as the infographic. I found some pretty photos of some dogs with the right color and mood that I though would work really well in the brochure. I used one photo for each page in the brochure and then I used text/info blocks on each page to join everything together. The brochure is also A5 in size(A5 lying when its folded).

After this week LT where I made the packaging design I changed the brochure, added some pages. “Sport&Agility” is the main design that I made, but I felt like making more types of food, like adult, puppy, senior etc. So I put these inside of the brochure as well.

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