GD2-AW12 – Low-light and Creative Photography

LT – 2.1. Low-light photography

The task

You are required to take and edit a low-light image.

It can be a product photo, a still life or a portrait. Use the unique characteristics of low light to take a photograph with drama and impact. Try different compositions and angles that may enhance the mood.

  • Use a low ISO setting;
  • Use a small aperture;
  • Use a tripod and your self-timer or a remote/trigger;
  • Watch your focus, and use manual focus if needed.
  • Add too much light or expose too much;
  • Leave your VR/IS switched on if you are using a tripod.

LT – 2.2. Painting with light

The task
For this task, you are required to take and edit a PWL image.
You are required to use the unique look and feel of PWL photography to make a photograph that shows at least two different PWL techniques, e.g. torch light and a sparkler. You get brownie points if you make your own light source, such as an LED light wand.
You can create a product photo, still life or portrait. However, if you have a unique idea, try that. Experiment with different compositions and angles. Remember to use colours.
  • Use a low or medium ISO setting;
  • Use a small aperture to give you enough time for the light painting;
  • Use a tripod and your self-timer or a remote/trigger;
  • Shoot in Bulb mode if you need more than 30 seconds;
  • Watch your focus, and use manual focus if needed.
  • Add too much light or expose too much;
  • Leave your VR/IS switched on if you are using a tripod.

LT – 2.3. Intentional camera movement

The task
For this task, you are required to take and edit three ICM images.
Using the unique look and feel of ICM photography, you need to make a series of three artworks for a local art gallery. The idea is to sell the photographs as a set.
Use different ICM techniques, e.g. horizontal movement, camera turning, and vertical movement. Your photos should ‘read’ together, so you need to ensure they work together when placed side-by-side.
  • Find a subject or scene with enough variation in colour and contrast.
  • Use a low ISO setting.
  • Use a small aperture to give you enough time for the camera movement.
  • Watch your focus, and use manual focus if needed.
  • Use a tripod.
  • Move too little or the effect may just look like a mistake.

LT – 2.4. Double and multiple exposures

The task

You are required to take and edit three images. You can be as abstract as you like. Look for interesting subjects or scenes with enough variation in colour and contrast.

Add a short artist statement of two or more sentences for each.

  • Photo 1: Double exposure
    You need to shoot and edit one double-exposure photograph.
  • Photo 2: Multiple exposure
    Create a multiple exposure consisting of a least three photos combined into one final image.
  • Photo 3: Mirror montage
    Create a mirror montage.