AW07 – Logo Design and Brand Manual – LT. Create a Personal Logo

Take the moodboard you created in the last lesson task and now create your personal brand logo.

When it comes to determining your personal brand, no one knows better than yourself whether you’re traditional, trendy or tough.

Create a unique typeface accompanied by an icon or symbol that showcases you – or an aspect of you – as a brand. You are free to choose whether you want to add a tag line or not.

This task was fun working with. A few weeks ago I actually found a brand name for my art/design Instagram page, it’s hetiart. Hetiart is Hetland tina art and if you remove the “ti” is says heart. So I think it’s a good play with the letters. I knew that this task was coming soon so I didn’t make any logo to the name, I felt that I could use this opportunity to make a good logo that fits.

Here is my moodboard from last LT.

After some feedbacks from the teachers and some adjustments this is the logo I came up with. I’m really happy with the outcome!

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