AW01 – Lt. Idea development – Q2

For our second assign ment this week we are learning about the SCAMPER model. The activity goes like this: Use the Internet to research the history of the fast food chain McDonald’s and explain which parts of the SCAMPER model are evident in its development onto its current success.

Substitute something

Combine it with something else

Adapt something to it

Modify or Magnify it

Put to other uses

Eliminate something

Reverse or Rearrange it

McDonald’s Corporation
 is an American fast food company, founded in 1940 as a restaurant operated by Richard and Maurice McDonald, in San Bernardino, California, United States. They rechristened their business as a hamburger stand, and later turned the company into a franchise, with the Golden Arches logo being introduced in 1953 at a location in Phoenix, Arizona. In 1955, Ray Kroc, a businessman, joined the company as a franchise agent and proceeded to purchase the chain from the McDonald brothers.

S – Substitute.

  • They replaced the waiters with self-service and drive-in.
  • French fries replace potato chips.

C – Combine.

  • They combined red and white tiled buildings with big golden arches so people would see them from distant.
  • They combined self-service and drive-in/through.

A – Adapt.

  • McDonalds is adapting by always look for newer and better architecture.
  • They are always looking for new ways to make their food better and also makes healthier food.
  • They also adapt by offer gluten free and vegan options.

M – Magnify-Modify.

  • You get the menu in different sizes.
  • They have changed the logos and the packaging.
  • They are always looking for new ways to reduce packaging waist and thinking about the environment.
  • They replaced the plastic straws with paper straws.
  • They open up their first McCafé.

P– Put to other use.

  • They went from being a Bar-B-Q restaurant that was a typical drive-in featuring a large menu and car hop service to become a self-service drive-in restaurant that also offer to have people’s birthdays or other celebrations.

E – Eliminate.

  • They went from having a big menu to reduce it to 9 items.
  • They removed the plastic straws.
  • They eliminated the waiters to become a self-service restaurant.

R – Rearrange.

  • The architecture goes from The red and white to Mansard roof to more modern and unique designs.
  • You pay before you get your food.
  • You order the food by using the big touch screens instead of standing in lines to talk with the staff.

AW01 – Lt. Idea development – Q1

Question 1
Practical assignment (puzzles and fun): 1‑2 hours

Think about the following four riddles and give your answer to each. The purpose is that you should have fun in figuring these out. Why not get a group of friends together and see if you can come up with some creative solutions?

  • A man is replacing a wheel on his car, when he accidentally drops the four nuts used to hold the wheel on the car. They fall into a deep drain, irretrievably lost. A passing girl offers him a solution that enables him to drive home. What is it?
    Answer: The girl tells him that he can take one bolt from each of the other tires so he gets three bolts on each tire.
  • Two Russians walk down a street in Moscow. One Russian is the father of the other Russian’s son. How are they related?
    Answer: They are husband and wife.
  • What occurs once in June, once in July and twice in August?
    Answer: The letter “u”, and it’s also the second letter in all of those three months.
  • Six drinking glasses stand in a row, with the first three full of water and the next three empty. By handling and moving only one glass at a time, how can you arrange the six glasses so that no full glass stands next to another full glass, and no empty glass stands next to another empty glass? What is the minimum number of moves to solve this puzzle?
    Answer: Since it doesn’t say anything about how you are supposed to move the glass I would just pour the water that’s in the second glass over to the fifth glass.

AW00 – Introduction – Fellow Students

Part time
Annabel Yeseul Ha – S
Aurora Kvamvold – S
Benedicte Kvandal – S
Daniel Patzi Encinas – S
Frida Eggesbø -S
Ida Charlotte Arntsen – S
Ida Marie Eilertsen – S
Kathrine Berg – S
Katja Helén Kristiansen – S
Kristian Arnesen – S
Kristina Veen – S
Melina Haaland – S
Rikke Skomakerstuen – S
Tina Harbakk – S
Tina Hetland – S

Full time
Anders KJosavik – S
Ask Kristian Larsen – S
Cathrine Nilsen –  S
Cecilie Hårsaker -S
Celina Wilhelmsen –  S
Christiane Brevik –  S
Emma Opdahl – S
Evi Jaman – S
Francesca Nordvik Fleischer –  S
Gloria Kapako _ S
Guro Møller – S
Harald Johansen –  S
Ine Andrea Aaberg –  S
Jeanette Bukkøy Arntzen – S
Juliane Haga Carlsen – S
Kaja Ulstad Lie – S
Kenneth Larsen – S
Kenneth Wenngren –  S 
Kristine Crosby Midtbø – S
Lena Marianne Andersen – S
Lise Marie Edvardsen – S
Lise Domaas – S
Maiken Steinly – S
Maiyayoua Lee – S
Mia Torstensen – S
Miriam Elise Thomsen – S
Per Brehmer – S
Sahra Løkkeberg – S
Sofie Lind Hermansen – S
Thor Losnegård – S
Tommy Magnussen – S

AW00 – Introduction – LT. Moodle Illustration

This task was a bit challenging, and it actually just got more confusing seeing trough the forum for ideas. And I’m not even sure if I solved this task right, is there even a right way? But I wanted to use the color wheel as the illustration with words around it. The reason I did this was because I know that we are going to use this a lot later on, and it put a lot of color in the task.

The words that I used was:

  1. Moodle
  2. Introduction
  3. Overwhelming : this platform is confusing at first, but after a few hours in here you learn how it works.
  4. Assignments
  5. Inspiration
  6. Forum
  7. Future
  8. Progression
  9. Study plan
  10. Due dates
  11. Challenging
  12. Hard work
  13. Having fun
  14. Learning
  15. Exited
  16. Classmates

AW00 – Introduction – LT. The Journey Here

I have always been creative, but It’s been a big roller coaster the last years. There have been times there I don’t feel creative at all and sometimes that I wish that I had more than 24 hours in a day. I remember I used to sit at my grandmas and colored in color books and did big puzzles, when I look in those color books, I must say it’s looking a lot better than my siblings and cousins ‘colorings. My other grandma taught me to crochet when I was little, and a few years ago I decided to try this out again. I got surprised how easy it was to learn again, it felt like I never had been without it.

In primary school and middle school, I loved the art and craft classes, those was the best classes I had. That was mostly because I have never been that good in theory, I’m more a practical person.

When I was 16 I started on high school, nature management school. I didn’t had good enough grades to get in to hairdresser school so I started study something that I love, nature and animals. But to be completely honest I took a type of birth control pills that made me sick, I was nauseous all the time and didn’t feel well. So I missed a lot of classes and when we finally found out the reason why I was like that I already was so far behind, I wouldn’t be able to work my self back. So I decided to dropped out and started to work.

After a few years working I applied to a private school to become a hairdresser. But I didn’t get in on the first year, so meanwhile I become a makeup artist. The plan was to use that when I was a hairdresser. Then I finished the hairdresser school and started as an apprentice, but it didn’t take long until I found out that this wasn’t for me. I’m not that comfortable to stand so close with customers for hours and hours.

After I turned down my apprentice position I started to working with retailing, I’ve almost 8 years’ experience with retailing and for the last 4 years I’ve been working in a sport store. But I’ve always felt that there is something that is missing in my life, and I’m 100% sure that that is being able to be creative in my work. I want to have a job that I love, that I can use my head more than just sell clothes.

My BIG passion in life is photography, I’ve owned a professional camera for probably 5 years or more know. I love taking landscape photos, especially long exposure photos along the coastlines. But I also love taking photos of my dogs and I’m planning to by a huge tele lens so I can start doing some wildlife as well. I have two instagram accounts, one for my landscape and one for my dogs. norwegiansurroundings/norwegianwanderers

So the reason I applied on Graphic Design is just that, I want to be creative. I want to learn how to communicate through visibility. I want to learn more about photography, designs, colors, arts and forms. I want to have a job that I will love! A job that makes me wanting to get out of bed and go to work.

And here is my version of a self portrait of myself. It shows who I am. I’m usually always behind my camera, and I always have the dogs by my side.