AW29 – CMS & WordPress Part 3 – LT. Create a WordPress Theme

Lesson Task – Create a WordPress Theme (12 hours)

To the WordPress website that you started in the previous lesson task, add the hacks mentioned in the lesson: *CMS and WordPress part 3.*

Then do some research on the Internet and find two more hacks to implement on your site.
Please elaborate on why you chose these hacks and how they will benefit your website. You are welcome to add more too.

To be honest this LT was a bit confusing. First of all, I haven’t made an actually childtheme. I’ve only customized trough wordpress and elementor, the reason for this is simply because the whole thing has been confusing regarding what we learn and what other students learn and need to do.

But I did install “simply css” and added the hacks that was mentioned. And I’m not sure if I’ve done it right, because I get a lot of red boxes with notification in front of every row that says : unexpected tokens.

So I hope I haven’t messed up something with now!

AW28 – CMS & WordPress Part 2 – LT. Customise a WordPress Site

Take your theme that you have installed on your hosting account or make a new site and add a theme (it’s your choice).
Create a child theme and customise it using CSS and HTML (you can even try PHP if you are feeling brave). Add relevant elements to enhance your SEO. (permalinks, tags, categories etc).

The main idea here is to play around with the various options available for customisation.

Show us before and afters and your process, with a link to your site.

This week I’ve customized the wordpress site hetiartno. I already made that site ages ago but now I’ve customized a theme and starting to get satisfied with how it looks. But I’m not 100% finished.

I’ve been back and forth with the themes on this page, I felt that I haven’t found a theme that fits me and what I want from it. But after I learned more about elementor I found a theme that I was able to customize how I wanted it to look.

The theme I used is OceanWP.

I had my portfolio at my free wordpress blog before, but I did hand it in in a pdf for the portfolio delivery. So this is how it looked like before.

And this is the new site.

AW27 – CMS & WordPress Part 1 – LT. Working with WordPress

Firstly you need to download and install* WordPress. Then publish it to your web hosting account. Create a subfolder if you wish to avoid conflicts with previous websites.

*Most hosting companies have the option to install WordPress directly. Look into that for your specific hosting company.

Once it is installed, you can start having some fun.
Choose and download a theme that best suits you and install it. Then customise this theme in order to create a portfolio website for yourself.

This will be your test site for the duration of this module.

This is a LT that I’ve been looking forward to for a while now. 

I did have some troubles to find the right theme to work with. I found many that I liked but for some reason they didn’t respond very well with what I wanted to do. So the last theme I tried was OceanWP, thi work really well and I’m happy with how it turned out!

AW26 – Web Design Process 3: Development – Part 3 – LT – Market Your Website

Now that you have built and tested your website, I would like you to market it. Let’s say that your budget is NOK 10 000 (or 1800 $ US). Please do the following:

  • Do some research on what advertising costs. You could for instance contact your local newspaper, print shop and other websites.
  • Make a detailed list of how you would market your website. Remember to keep your budget in mind.
  • What if you had double the budget? Come up with a second marketing strategy, this time with NOK 20 000 at your disposal. (3600 $ US)
  • Come up with a viral idea. It doesn’t have to be a video; it can be guys dancing at the airport in gorilla suits. You can use ANYTHING that is at your disposal. Be creative!

I made the website of my hometown, Sandnes. I would probably use a newspaper and social media for the advertisement. I would also choose over, the reason for this is that I feel I would reach out to more people. You have to subscribe to sandnesposten to read the articles, so I think they loses a lot of people, so less people will see the advertisement.

I would use around 70% on social media, everything is happening on social media these days. So having a large budged there would really help to reach out to people. Here can you also choose what audience you will reach out to.

The last 30% will go to advertisement in the newspaper, both printed and digital.

If I had double the budget I would also have advertisement on bus stops, on the back of the busses and google advertisement (where the ads pops up in the top of the result when you google “sandnes”).

AW25 – Web Design Process 3: Development – Part 2 – LT – Coding Basic

Take the basic website you have designed in your previous two Lesson Tasks in this module (Lesson Task – Put Thought Into Your Design and Lesson Task – Planning the Structure) and convert that into HTML and CSS code.

This will help you understand the importance between the design and the programming phase and how they work together.

Don’t stress if you can’t get everything right, just do as much as you can.

So I only did the index/home page, I really like web design and I’m looking forward to learn more and get the hang of it. It’s alot to take in but it’s fun and a lot of new things to learn.

AW24 – Web Design Process 3: Development – Part 1 – LT – Planning The Structure

Create the structure of your web page (from Lesson Task – Put Thought Into Your Design) in terms of HTML files and folders. You need to set these up so that you are ready to code your website.

First use a pen and paper to do your planning; then do it on the computer when you are sure of your structure.

Please upload this activity to your WordPress blog. Remember to scan (or photograph) and include your initial planning that you did on paper.

AW22 – Lighting Equipment, Studio Setup And Portrait Photography – LT. Studio Lighting

Question 1

Name three lighting sources and their functions.

Natural light – This is the light from the sun, blue sky gives hard light while cloudy sky gives more soft light. You can use modifiers to soften and manipulate the light to get the light you want.

Continuous light – This is the light you have continuous on in the studio. Tungsten bulb, led light, hmi and fluorescent light that is the basic light in the studio.

Flash – This light you can mount on the mount shoe of the camera or set it up external on a tripod and will go of when you hit the shutter button.

Name two light modifiers and explain the difference between them.

Softbox – As the name says, this gives a more softer light. The bigger softbox the bigger the light will be.

Reflectors – Reflectors comes in 5 different colours, white, silver, gold, black and transparent. This helps you to manipulate the direction of the light, move the light where you want it or even use the black one to absorb the light.

Draw a diagram of and describe the three-point lighting setup.

Key Light – This is the main source of light that is lightening up the subject.

Fill Light – This is the secondary light, it fills in the darker parts of the subject. It’s placed on the opposite side than the key light.

Back Light/Rim Light – This light is placed behind the subject to give the subject rim around it, by highlighting the hair and/or shoulders.

Question 2

Draw three studio setups for the following subject matters and list all the equipment that you would use to light your subjects:




In a magazine or on the Internet, find one fashion shot, a beauty shot and a portrait shot and explain how you think the lighting was set up in each shot.


Question 3

Take some portrait shots and pay specific attention to the lighting you use. Do one shot with soft lighting and one with more dramatic, harder lighting. It would be beneficial to hire studio lighting, but if you can’t, you may use natural light, reflectors and your camera’s flash.

Soft Light
Hard Light

Question 4

Choose a portrait photograph from the ones you took in Question 3. Create a unique movie poster for a fictional fantasy movie of your choice. Make use of different backgrounds and editing techniques you have learned.

AW21 – Design for screen 1: part 2 – LT – Put Thought Into Your Design

Design a 5-page website or blog to promote your hometown (or any other place if you so choose). Present your design along with a strategy that explains the decisions you’ve made during the design process (keep the six steps mentioned in the lesson Web Design Process: Designing for Web (part 2) in mind). Remember, it’s important for us to see how you think, so explain why you decided to do things the way you did.

This is a front-end design lesson task. No coding or publishing is needed.

This academic week I’m a little behind on the schoolwork. I was sick for a week and a half, and after that I’ve been super tired and haven’t had any energy left after work. And that has also made me so unfocused! So, I have done the most important stuff, but I have some hours left on LinkedIn learning.

I’ve made the design on this LT, but haven’t done the written part of it. But I have it up on my bulletin board so I will come back and do that later on. Hopefully the next week or so, since we are starting on photography again I think I can manage to get the rest of this week done.

AW20 – Design for screen 1: part 1 – LT – Design Different Looks

Copy the exact content from a homepage of a website of your choice. Now redesign this homepage in three different ways. Each design should evoke a different emotional response from viewers. You can choose what you would like these emotional responses to be.

Please upload this activity to your WordPress blog along with a short paragraph where you explain the look and intent of each of the three designs.

I chose to copy and redesign this site. To be honest I didn’t used as much time as I should have done because I’ve been sick the last week and haven’t had energy to use a lot of time on it.

So here is the original design and the three redesign I made. I kept the colors that was already on the page. But I styled it three different ways with the colors.

The orginal
Nr1. Here I just changed the background colour to the same colour as the button “kjøp grønne potteplanter”.
Nr2. Here I chose the beige colour for the background and nav type colour and used the green colour as the nav background colour.
Nr3. This has the same colours as nr 2, but I changed the style on the navbar. I wanted the navigation to be larger since i think that on the original the type size is a bit small.

AW19 – DESIGN FOR SCREEN 1 : PLANNING – LT – Providing Your Own Hosting Service

This lesson Task is to acquire your own hosting service. This hosting service will be needed throughout the rest of your studies, and this Learning Activity is therefore mandatory.You are free to choose any hosting service in the world. If you find it difficult to find one, we recommend you choose, the monthly fee is low. The beginner plan is sufficient, and there are step-by-step guidances to setting up the account, creating e-mail addresses, connecting via ftp etc.By acquiring the web hosting yourselves, you get (depending the hosting service):

  • Valuable training in providing hosting services
  • Domain name of your choosing
  • Personalised e-mail account with your own domain name
  • Cloud drive
  • A lot more space
  • 24/7 support
  • The service and domain name remains yours after your studies are done (if you wish to keep it)

Consider your domain name very carefully. This cannot be altered. (You can of course sign up for other domain names and delete the one you have, but “getting it right the first time” saves you a great deal of trouble.)

I already have my domene, but I have some problems with with that domene. So I made one more just to do this task right. That new one is