AW07 – Logo Design and Brand Manual – LT. Create a Personal Logo

Take the moodboard you created in the last lesson task and now create your personal brand logo.

When it comes to determining your personal brand, no one knows better than yourself whether you’re traditional, trendy or tough.

Create a unique typeface accompanied by an icon or symbol that showcases you – or an aspect of you – as a brand. You are free to choose whether you want to add a tag line or not.

This task was fun working with. A few weeks ago I actually found a brand name for my art/design Instagram page, it’s hetiart. Hetiart is Hetland tina art and if you remove the “ti” is says heart. So I think it’s a good play with the letters. I knew that this task was coming soon so I didn’t make any logo to the name, I felt that I could use this opportunity to make a good logo that fits.

Here is my moodboard from last LT.

After some feedbacks from the teachers and some adjustments this is the logo I came up with. I’m really happy with the outcome!

AW06 – Brand Positioning – LT. Mood Board

A mood board is a collage of images, text and colours to capture the feel and direction of a brand identity. Mood boards are essential when brainstorming a brand identity.

If you’re in the process of working out a brand identity, a mood board will help bring things like company attributes, vision, identity and the emotions you want your brand to convey together.

As you move along in the world of design you will develop your own personal brand.

Create a Mood Board for your Personal Brand

Ideas of what to include:

  • imagery
  • colours
  • visual metaphors
  • textures
  • patterns and shapes
  • fonts

You can either create a digital* version or a physical one.

AW06 – Brand Positioning – LT. Customer Profile

Create two consumer profiles for a fictional client.
You are free to choose the client and the product.

List the things that you think are important to include in a consumer profile and show your research.

Resources & Equipment

  • notepad and pencil
  • software of your choice
  • Internet for research purposes

I chose a café where all kind of different work people come to work and to be social. A café that is classy with a hint of nature to get that nice and calm atmosphere. I made a little moodboard to show the idea.

Source : Google


AW05 – Brand Identity – LT. Understanding Ideals

  • Visit a popular store, like an Apple reseller, Nike, Levi’s, H&M or Ikea. The brand should be well-known and you must visit a shop where their products are being displayed or distributed. In smaller towns you may not have access to these stores, in this case you will need to find a section showcasing these items and view how they are displayed or laid out. Before going to the shop, determine the following about their brand identity and, once at the shop, evaluate how they remain true to their brand identity or how they do not. How is the brand identity enhanced (or perhaps, not expressed) at the point of customer interaction? Hand in a write-up with photos of the following:
    • What brand identity element are they using in their logo (e.g. abstract mark or word mark)?
    • What do you think their brand ideal is?
    • How do they remain true to their brand ideal within their shops?
    • Evaluate the customer experience according to the brand ideal. (For example, if the brand ideal is “innovation”, do you get a sense of that ideal when you visit the outlet?)

Evaluate the visual display of the products according to the brand ideal. (For example, if the brand ideal is “value”, is this expressed in the way they display the products?)

For this assignment I chose Søstrene Grene. Søstrene Grene is an amazing store, the store itself makes me happy when I’m there for shopping or just for looking. This is a danish store that has grown to be a big brand, they have stores in 15 countries in Scandinavia and they also have a store in Japan.

When I think of Søstrene Grene I think about creativity, organizing, kids creative toys, organic products. But they also have kitchen, interior, furniture stuff. So it’s not just all creativity in that store.

They have a high focus on products that responsible, free of dangerous chemicals and that they are produces under proper conditions. They also focus a lot on reducing the plastic, so if you visit one of their stores you will see that most of their products are made of tree. I do love that they have so much kids toys that is made out of tree.

Also if you are visiting one of their stores you will easily see that the store is beautiful, the colors and the organizing of the sore is just amazing. The sisters Anna and Clara brings different passions to the store, Anna is bringing the creativeness and Clara is all about the organizing

  • What brand identity element are they using in their logo (e.g. abstract mark or word mark)?

They are using both abstract and work mark in their logo.

  • What do you think their brand ideal is?

Their brand ideal is a product brand. And I think their ideal is:

  • Honest responsibility.
  • Making a significant difference for people, wildlife and environment.
  •  Experience of joy.
  • Inspire body and soul.
  • A wide range of high aesthetic quality products.
  • Responsible supply chain – low prices.
  • Share new creative DIY projects every week.
  • Ever-changing store experience.
  • Having and colorful and organized store.

  • How do they remain true to their brand ideal within their shops?

They remain true to their brand ideal by having a really organized store, they have a good categorized stored with subdivided areas so it’s easy to find the right area in the stores. The prices are low, but you also see that there are a high quality on their products. You can also see that they are thinking about the environment by seeing that there are not that much plastic products, most of their products are made of tree.

  • Evaluate the customer experience according to the brand ideal. (For example, if the brand ideal is “innovation”, do you get a sense of that ideal when you visit the outlet?)

I’m feeling the joy and an inner peace when I’m walking the round in their store when I see all of the colors, tree products and the well-organized shelfs. I’ve been to the store a lot, but I’ve actually never seen an employer on the floor, so how they manage to keep the store that clean and organized is a mystery for me, but the person in the checkout is always nice and friendly.

Here are some photos from this amazing store.

AW05 – Brand Identity – LT. Understanding Positioning

1. Look at the following logos and explain in your own words what you consider their positioning to be (do this for each one).

I’ve always enjoyed Instagram’s logos, from day one. But this one is probably the one I like the most. It has an bright an joyful color pallet, blue, purple, magenta, red, orange and yellow. You can clearly see that this is an photo application since they have the white shapes that visualizing a camera.

The Mercedes logo is basically a star, and for me this type of star is a symbol of trinity since it’s a three-pointed star. The logo itself is simple but clean, it’s a silver star and the logo has a nice use of colors that makes an illusion of that it’s shiny.

This is a logo that is quite simple. But, less is more. There is a red and a yellow circle that is overlapping each other so it get a effect that’s red, orange, yellow. I feel that the logo has a warm touch, and I like how simple it is and still it’s a good and solid logo.

2. Let’s work backwards! Look at the logo on the Apple iPhone and, by doing your own research, investigate the history of the product and the company that manufactures it. Give an outline, in your own words, of what you consider the following to be:

  • Describe the iPhone’s brand identity – exactly as you see it

The iPhone’s identity is the all known apple. When you see their logo you know it’s an apple product. The logo itself is really simple, and I think that’s the reason that it’s so well known. The logo is sleek and centered on the iPhones backside. Lately they have also made the logo in the same color as the phone, but it still shows since its polished. The iPhone itself is elegant and sleek, and you are feel that you are looking at something exclusive.

  • What do you think its positioning is currently?

It’s not a big secret that the iPhone is one of the top phone brands out there, because it is. I’m a android type of girl but still I’m hearing about iPhones all around, 80% of the people I work with have an iPhone. But as my point view I feel the Apple products go out to more of the younger people because is sort of an status to own a apple phone.

But they have good phones, they are up to date when it comes to design and technology. The only thing they still need to do better is to make a more unbreakable screen, because almost everyone I know that owns a iPhone has shattered the screen.

  • What do you think the strategy for this specific product was?

I think the strategy was to make something new, every phone company was using android. So they made a whole new operation system, and they nailed it. I also think that they wanted to make a elegant and exclusive phone, a phone that would become trendy to own.

  • What research do you think was done on this by the company who made it?

I think they researched all of the other operating systems really good first to be able to make something that could be even better. The same about cameras, to try to have the best camera possible in a phone. They have focused on the younger audience since taking pictures and filming has become a such big thing in everyone’s life.

3. Now take the same product as in question 2 and explain, in your own words, how the visual element (in this case, the logo) fits in with the brand identity.

Since the brand is called Apple the logo fits perfectly with the name. I think its bold to call a company that sells phones and laptops/computers Apple, it’s special and really outside of the box. But! It has really showed that a abnormal name for electronics is so well known. Everyone knows what that simple apple logo means and what product the company is selling.