Tina Hetland

This is
My Reflective Journal

Here I will post the
Lesson Tasks that we get at Noroff.

GD1-AW33 – Point Of Sale

LT. Point Of Sale Practical Assignment Part A  Consider the touchpoints of your brand in general (to ensure that all the elements work together) and then focus on your packaging. Design a set of Point of Sale elements that will promote your product in-store. The set can consist of however

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GD1-AW32 – Packaging Design

LT. Packaging Practical assignment (creative problem solving) Using the logo you created in Week 1 and the brochure you designed in Week 2, think about your brand and design packaging for your product. Remember that you can decide about the detail of your product. Is it dog biscuits, meat products

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AW30 – Creative Workflow – LT. Create A Logo

Develop a name for a dog food product. Design a logo for this product, using full colour. The logo must contain a main visual and typography. (Use the “People Saving Pets” logo as a guide – this does not mean your design should be the same, it is simply an

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AW27 – CMS & WordPress Part 1 – LT. Working with WordPress

Firstly you need to download and install* WordPress. Then publish it to your web hosting account. Create a subfolder if you wish to avoid conflicts with previous websites. *Most hosting companies have the option to install WordPress directly. Look into that for your specific hosting company. Once it is installed,

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