Tina Hetland

This is
My Reflective Journal

Here I will post the
Lesson Tasks that we get at Noroff.

CA01 – Idea Development – Design Principles

For this assignment we had to research the 8 different design principles: Figure/ground, Continuation, Closure, Proximity, Similarity, Symmetry, Common fate and Prägnanz. Then we had to choose three of these principles and make an illustration of each of them. Each item had to be 25x25cm.

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AW12 – Print Preparation – LT. Question 3

Homework (2 days) Watch the videos provided below Complete the LinkedIn Learning exercise files and submit it with your assignment Designing a Magazine Layout With Nigel French Learning Print Production With Claudia McCue

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AW12 – Print Preparation – LT. Question 2

Research, written and practical assignment (problem solving) Use the magazine style brochure that you designed in Module 5. Add a spot varnish to the cover and change the design to use spot colours. (You are welcome also make layout changes if you want to.) For your magazine, use a spot

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AW10 – Layout – LT. Design of layout in InDesign

Using InDesign, design a 8-page brochure for a fictitious travel agent. The size of the brochure should be A5 (when it is folded). Design the brochure in full colour. Use fake body copy but create sensible headings. Use titles, headings and images of your choice. Be sure to pay attention

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