Tina Hetland

This is
My Reflective Journal

Here I will post the
Lesson Tasks that we get at Noroff.

AW10 – Layout – LT. Pace and contrast

Compare the design (in terms of pace and contrast) of an online magazine, blog or website to that of a printed magazine, book or journal. What differences can you see between the kinds of design strategies used in the two formats? Write down your findings and upload it to WordPress.

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AW10 – Layout – LT. Basic principles of layout

Take a magazine, newspaper or book that includes images and text. Lay tracing paper over the top of three spreads (both left-hand and right-hand pages). Using a pencil and ruler, carefully trace the grid underlying the page layouts. Remember to remove specific text elements or images, and to only draw

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AW10 – Layout – LT. Symmetry/Asymmetry

In this assignment, you will be given the opportunity to also test your idea sketching skills. It is important to start working with basic ideas on paper and develop your concept from there on out. On an A4 landscape page, draw four equal squares. Create 4 more pages in this

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AW10 – Layout – LT. Form And Space

Rearrange shapes cut out of paper, and try to find the point at which the figure disappears into the ground. Cut out a series of shapes from black paper – squares, rectangles, circles and random shapes – in a variety of sizes, from small to large. Working with a square

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AW09 – The art of Photography – LT. Question 2

Take five pictures every day for the next five days. The subjects of your pictures can include a series of different objects, people and landscapes. The focus of this activity is to put into practice what you have learned so far about exposure and composition. This includes: Depth of Field,

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AW09 – The art of Photography – LT. Question 1

Selecting the proper White Balance: Take your camera outside during daylight and photograph the same scene using different white-balance settings. Move indoors and repeat the exercise with shooting in a tungsten-lighting environment. Finally, find a fluorescent light source and repeat one more time. Pay close attention to how each setting

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AW08 – History and Camera basics – LT. Question 2

Question 2 Observation and analysis (2 hours) After watching the video: Introduction to Photography: The Camera by Ben Long (1h 52m), please answer the following questions. If necessary, refer to your Camera Manual: Name all the functions / buttons on the front of your camera Name all the functions /

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AW08 – History and Camera basics – LT. Question 1

Question 1 Research, written and practical assignment (4 hours)Throughout this lesson you’ve learnt about the various techniques used and inventors that contributed to the art form that is Photography.  Choose only one, do some additional research and in your own words write a report on why you think the chosen

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