Tina Hetland

This is
My Reflective Journal

Here I will post the
Lesson Tasks that we get at Noroff.

AW03 – Typography – LT. Designing a Gig Poster

Task 1 Design a poster for a band’s gig. The band is called: “The Keystrokes.”You can decide the name of the band’s tour and remember to include a date, a time and a venue.You can use a visuals and/or typography to design the poster and remember to make the type

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AW03 – Typography – LT. Expressing Meaning

Question 1 Create a new word; one which has no dictionary definition and a meaning that only you know. For example, the word we came up with is “roleean”, it doesn’t appear in the dictionary, but it means, “round and leaning to the left”. You could decide on your own

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AW02 – Sketching Techniques – LT. Loose juice

You are briefed to do an illustration for fruit juice packaging (orange and banana flavour). The name of the product is: Loose Juice. Draw at least 15 scamps (they can be A6 size each) of what the label will look like. Remember to include the fruit, the name of the

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AW01 – Lt. Idea development – Q2

For our second assign ment this week we are learning about the SCAMPER model. The activity goes like this: Use the Internet to research the history of the fast food chain McDonald’s and explain which parts of the SCAMPER model are evident in its development onto its current success. Substitute something Combine

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AW01 – Lt. Idea development – Q1

Question 1Practical assignment (puzzles and fun): 1‑2 hours Think about the following four riddles and give your answer to each. The purpose is that you should have fun in figuring these out. Why not get a group of friends together and see if you can come up with some creative

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